Viagra Vs Cialis: What Difference?
Viagra VS Cialis: What Difference?

Viagra VS Cialis: What Difference?

Viagra and Cialis are probably drug names you have heard of if you have problems relating to penis erections.

But, often these brand names that we hear are misinterpreted among people.

Do you have a penis erection problem and wonder what is the difference between these two brands of medicines?

Well, you have come to the right place to get some critical and essential knowledge.

We believe that the information that is given here is going to clear all the doubts that you have had until now.

After reading this article, you will be able to distinguish the two brands and know the difference in compositions along with a few other points.

So, without any further delay let us check out what is the difference between Viagra and Cialis.

First, the problem where Viagra and Cialis are used?

We learn about the differences that distinguish these brands of pills, we have to know their exact uses.

So, as we have told you above that if you have something called a penis erection disorder doctors may recommend using these pills.

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But, what is this penis erection disorder all about?

● Well, any male cannot have a hard and sustaining penis erection. This may occur because of any internal sexual disorder or even other pre-existing diseases.

● Mental reasons for having penis disorder include males suffering from depression, stress, and anxiety.

● On the other hand, some of the physical disabilities relating penis erection failures include obesity, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disorder, nerve disorders, diabetes, and so on.

So, what problem do Viagra and Cialis solve?

Well for males having a tough time obtaining penis erections intake of the pill is going to make this process easier just like any other common person.

Taking the pill and once the effects are established means that you don’t have to suffer from the agony of not having a strong erection.

Now the differences between Viagra and Cialis

Now we begin the main section of the article where we will find out the differences between Viagra and Cialis one by one.

Differences based on composition

● Now have you ever wondered whether all these strengths of ED-branded medicines available in the stores have the same composition?

● Not. Compositions in these medicines may differ based on the substance that is present in them.

● But, mind you all generic substances that are the compositional elements of the medicine come from the same family of pills that are known as PDE-5 hormone inhibitors.

● So, do Viagra and Cialis have different generic components in them? Yes, they do have.

● If you ever happen to check out the back label of your Viagra they will contain Sildenafil in them.

● Among all the ED-treating generic substances this one is the first to get FDA approval.

● On the other hand, the components present in the Cialis pills are known as Tadalafil.

● This is yet another ingredient providing ED treatment but has longer times of action as we shall see below. Remember, that Cialis has also got the green signal and nod from the US FDA approval.

Branded Version

Generic Viagra

Generic Cialis

Generic name Sildenafil Citrate Tadalafil
Duration 4 to 6 hours 36 hours
On-set of action 30 to 60 minutes 15 to 30 minutes
Available Dosage 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg 150 mg, 200 mg 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10mg, 20mg, 60mg, 80mg
Powerful Tablets Cenforce 100 Vidalista 20
Fildena 100 Tadalista 60
Aurogra 100 Tadarise 60
Cenforce 200 Megalis 20
Suhagra 100 Vidalista 80

FDA approval Cialis vs. Viagra

As we have mentioned above, both Cialis and Viagra have got FDA approval. But among the two one that got the nod first is Sildenafil which is the generic component present in Viagra.

Common doses

Now, we will check out the most common doses of Generic Viagra and Generic Cialis. So when you talk about Sildenafil various doses are beginning from 25mg dose which is the smallest.

Of course, there are many generic variants of medications for Sildenafil but most of the commonly branded doses have these doses-

  • 25mg
  • 50mg
  • 100mg
  • 150mg
  • 200 mg

Other than this some of the other uncommon doses include 120mg, 130mg, 225, and 250mg which is present for generic brands such as Cenforce, Fildena, and Sildigra.

Tadalafil or Generic Cialis is more vigorously acting and hence it is present in much smaller doses. common doses for this generic substance include-

  • 2.5mg
  • 5mg
  • 10mg
  • 20mg
  • 40mg
  • 60mg

Apart from this, all brands of generic Cialis have an 80mg dose.

Time of action

● Now, something that ED patients are more concerned about is the time for which the medication will have effects in their system.

● It is Generic Cialis or Tadalafil that can sustain much longer than Sildenafil. Sildenafil’s highest permissible dose per intake is 200mg dose which has a maximum efficacy time of 6 hours.

● On the other hand, Cialis which is an 80mg dose can last for more than a day. The highest-ever recorded action time has been close to 40 hours with an average of 36 hours.

● Let us come to the smaller doses. Sildenafil’s smaller dose which is 25mg can sustain for 4 hours while Tadalafil which is 2.5mg lasts for around 12 to 15 hours.

Time is taken to have an erection

● Another thing that you may be pondering is the time that the pills will take to cause an erection in an impotent patient.

● So, as per the efficacy shown by Sildenafil, it can take around 20 to 45 minutes depending on the dosage of intake by the patient.

● On the other hand, Tadalafil may take up considerably more time. Even smaller doses can take up to 30 minutes to get into work mode.

● The higher doses can take up to 2 hours to produce erection-hardening effects.

● Of course, it is needless to say that the higher the dose the more time to get the medicine to come into action.

Some common generic brand names

● Now you must be thinking is there any other FDA-approved brand for Sildenafil and Tadalafil apart from Viagra and Cialis respectively? Well, currently there isn’t.

● What you can do, is buy many other generic versions of pills. For example, generic brand names for Sildenafil include, Suhagra, Cenforce, Fildena, and so on.

● On the other hand, some of the common generic brands of Tadalafil include Tadalista, Vidalista, Tadarise, and so on.

✍Final say

Both Viagra and Cialis are used in temporary erection hardening for the patient to have sex normally. Find from a doctor which one of these two brands you are more suitable for.

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