Erectile Dysfunction and Effective Treatments: Guide to Fildena and Cenforce
Erectile Dysfunction and Effective Treatments: Guide to Fildena and Cenforce

Erectile Dysfunction and Effective Treatments: Guide to Fildena and Cenforce

Erectile dysfunction can be quite a frustrating disorder having a deep impact on your sexual life. At least those men who already suffer from this penile disorder may know this and what it means to not become eligible of attaining a penis hardness on their own.

But in this article, we have come up with two effective medicines that can help cure the disorder of ED. These are Fildena and Cenforce.

In this article, we will find in-depth about these two medicines, understand which one of them can be more efficient if not, and find out if these pills can help treat ED in men once and for all. So, let’s begin…

Men’s brief guide to ED issues

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or impotence are all interchangeable names used for defining the same issues of being incapable of attaining a strong and hard erection.

With ED issues it gets trouble for such men to achieve erectile dysfunction for them.

The trouble or actual cause of having the penis disorder could be linked with both your existing physical or mental health disorders.

But, as we shall find out in this article, there are pills like Fildena or Cenforce that can get you rid of these issues.

What are Fildena and Cenforce for curing erectile dysfunction?




Generic Ingredient Sildenafil Citrate Sildenafil Citrate
Manufacture Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Fortune Health Care
Brand Name Generic Viagra Generic Viagra
Other Name Blue Pill/Red Pill/Black Pill/Pink Pill Purple Pill/Red Pill/Black Pill
Available Strength 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg, 130 mg, 150 mg, 160 mg, 200 mg 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg, 150 mg, 160 mg, 200 mg
Used For Male Male
Class PDE5 inhibitors PDE5 inhibitors
Duration 3-4 Hour 5-6 Hour
Side Effects Dizziness, Headache, Upset Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Runny Nose Tiredness, Painful Urination, Changes In Vision, Flushing
Sale Price $46.65-$204 $73.62-$240

You may have heard about some medicinal brands for curing ED issues in men if are a victim of ED yourself. Although, there are many such brands for curing medicines through the use of medicines Cenforce and Fildena are two of the most popular ones.

Yes, these are two different brands for curing ED but have the same generic composition of Sildenafil. The brand names are different as they are manufactured in India by two different companies.

The manufacturer of Cenforce pills is Centurion Laboratories while that of Fildena pills is Fortune Healthcare.

Fildena and Cenforce pills fall among the generic brand categories. If you want an FDA-approved variant of Sildenafil pills you can use Viagra instead.

How do Fildena and Cenforce cure ED?

Fildena and Cenforce both cure ED in the same way. Both these brands have the same working process.

Taking medicine from any of the brands will soon release its generic component of Sildenafil in your blood which makes a few hormonal changes.

Sildenafil will replace the action of PDE-5 hormones in your blood with the cGMP hormones. Soon this makes nitric oxide become effective and starts to dilate the arterial blood flow enabling a much more rapid movement of blood along the penis tissues.

Making the penis region more sensitive is how the erection will induce eventually in impotent patients.

Are the doses for Fildena and Cenforce similar?

Yes, the doses for Fildena and Cenforce are similar because both of them are made of the same generic ingredient that is Sildenafil Citrate.

👇Best Fildena and Cenforce Dosages:

Medicines Tablet Price Price/Unit Buy Now
Fildena 100 mg 300 tablet/s $210 $0.70 Shop Now
Fildena 150 mg 300 tablet/s $243.93 $0.81 Shop Now
Fildena Double 200 mg 300 tablet/s $288 $0.96 Shop Now
Cenforce 200 mg 300 tablet/s $225 $0.75 Shop Now
Cenforce 100 mg 300 tablet/s $204 $0.68 Shop Now
Cenforce 150mg 300 tablet/s $225 $0.75 Shop Now

Both brands have the smallest dose of 25mg and the highest dose of 200mg. There are many other dose variants such as 50mg, 100mg, 120mg, and 150mg.

Make sure to get approval or consent from the doctors as to which of these doses would be the most potent one in curing the issues of ED for yourself.

What if you miss a dose of Fildena and Cenforce?

Missing a dose of Cenforce or Fildena, do not rush to take the pill right away. Instead, inform the doctors and find out if they suggest you still take the medicine or leave it altogether and use the next medicine on time.

Does exceeding the dose cause health complications?

Yes, both Fildena and Cenforce could end up causing health complexities due to taking in the drug above what you can tolerate.

An overdose could easily result in the occurrence of both mild and severe side effects. Mild issues of the drug are headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, palpitations, nervousness, and flushing.

But, if things get more severe you may end up with severe side effect issues as well although these would rarely occur for either brand. Such issues include chest pain, drop in blood pressure, priapism, lower libido, and vision blurring.

What are the safety precautions for using Fildena and Cenforce?

Using either Fildena or Cenforce pills will require you to follow some precautionary measures as mentioned below-

👉You have to go as per the dosage schedule exactly as defined in your prescription. As you have seen above, taking the drug in excess could give rise to side effects.

👉Avoid indulging in any form of addictive habits or avoid dependencies on alcohol and narcotics.

👉Mention to the doctors even if you are having mild side effects only. It may need a change in your daily dose or the side effects could get severe.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you use Fildena and Cenforce at the same time?

Although both Cenforce and Fildena pills are usable for curing impotence you cannot use both brands at the same time. As such you cannot use any two brands or more at the same time since these would cause side effects.

Since both Cenforce and Fildena have the same composition in them you can use either of them depending on which one is providing better actions of penile hardness.

  • Which is more effective Fildena vs. Cenforce?

Fildena or Cenforce, either one of them could be more effective for a patient. As such not all patients can prefer the use of one brand over the other one.

It would all boil down to which of these brands is the patient more suitable for. It is widely varying in its effects as men have different ages, current men’s health conditions, lifestyles, and so on.

  • Can Fildena or Cenforce cure ED permanently?

Although most patients prefer using Cenforce and Fildena for curing ED, none of these brands can provide permanent healing from the issues of ED.

As such any medicine for curing ED cannot recover your penis to restore it to its original erection problems. Such medicines are only capable of producing temporary changes in penis erection capabilities sustained for about a few hours.

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